Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dating by clicking: Tips for online dating services

At work it is often difficult to find partners. No wonder that more and more online dating services on the Internet entice you with great love. Is this the right way? You should keep in mind when dating.
For those looking for true love, the network seems to be the perfect place. There are numerous online dating services, whose members are interested in flirting. And there are dating sites, which often try to merge people with psychological tests and it is rather their members to establish long-term commitment. The boundaries are blurred. Just love on the web is still not to be found. There lurking pitfalls of fake profiles to questionable business conditions.
Online dating services are sometimes free, but often a fee is charged. The tend to be more expensive dating sites users fill out a questionnaire to get then proposed matching members. Too much one should the so-called matching but do not expect, even if the provider "almost everything under the sun" would promise, warns the Stiftung Warentest has tested the portals.

Users should read terms and conditions
Especially with paid portals users should sure to read the terms and conditions before signing up, advises the Foundation. They should pay particular attention to duration and notice. It is also important how to deal with the user data.
Basically, the experts recommend beginners to first test a free dating portal. Who then decides on a paid provider, you should register only non-binding and free of charge only once. He can other then indeed perhaps even post any messages or see any pictures, but gets often a good overview.
It may also be that the provider the "onlooker" a more favorable contract offer is made, partly with shorter maturities. Anyone up for a free trial membership with full functionality, you should terminate quickly if he does not want to stay with the portal. Otherwise, the trial membership is perhaps in an expensive and long-term membership.
"If I want to fight it, it can definitely be annoying," says Julia Rehberg of the Consumer Hamburg. "This is why you should definitely choose only once a short term and ensure how the right to terminate again." Also in the 14-day right of withdrawal prepare some portal problems. Those who have already sent some messages to other members, which is a revocation often made difficult or who is unlawfully bills for messages sent or the matching test.
At the beginning of the more romantic part of the Online Dating is always the self-representation. The potential partner should learn as much as possible about the seeker. Undisguised honesty is particularly important to remind the product testers. This includes a recent photo if possible, best a portrait. Lies or exaggerations often fly on the very first date. Nevertheless, users should try to stand out with an original profile.
The search filter, it is possible accurately to adjust, so you do not sink into partner proposals of the portal. Even with age group and province can be the partner pool to shrink significantly. If report other members, it says reply the same, so you will not be removed from their list. Users should new contacts many questions from a list on which they write down what is important to them, advises the Stiftung Warentest. Moreover, it is important to give up his anonymity is not too fast.
Beware of attractive women or men with stunning images
Caution and skepticism are advised when to report sexy women or men with stunning images. Because that could not love, but look as modern marriage swindler money (Romance Scamming). "When something like that you should never believe in miracles, but always turn to common sense," advises Falk Murko of the Stiftung Warentest. Basically you should send money to anyone or call about expensive service numbers.
Often, the scammers also try to communicate as quickly as possible away from the portal towards private e-mail traffic or on obscure websites direct. But even away from staunchly fraud abound on the portals false identities (fakes).

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