How to Flirt With A Girl? Here are several Techniques, Tips and Tricks to approach a girl and seduce her! What to say to interest her? How to start a conversation? How to flirt with a girl? Tips and techniques for a girl flirt and make women quickly Addicted to you!
How to Flirt with a Girl
Do not talk about sex or because she is particularly cute, because girls hate to be seen as just a piece of meat. Therefore, if you want to flirt with a girl, you must hide your intentions or rather retain final starting by talking quietly and naturally with her.

How to Flirt with a Girl: Approaching a Woman?
When you approach a girl for the first time, be it a party, a friend of a friend, or even on the street … you should always be relaxed and confident (yes it is not easy when you are not used to it), at least one must succeed to smile and look happy. A simple “Hi, okay, I did not know you knew Geraldine …” or simply hangs in relation to circumstances, with environment, little more than enough. For example, if you’re in a bookstore, you can discuss books, or if you are at a concert, you can talk about the band playing. The goal is simply to get to talk and hang the discussion as simple and natural as possible. In fact, it is necessary that the girl is like talking to one of his friends as usual, and if you also able to generate a bit of humor and a smile, it will be perfect!
How to Flirt with a Girl: The Look!
When you talk to a girl, one of the key issues that will play in the communication is: your look! Many things go through the eye, much louder than words, then it must not be your eyes but rather insisting fleeing or attached to the girl. You look straight in the eye when you talk to her, and when she talks to you, you agree. This connection through the eyes, you need to show some interest towards what she says. As is often said, “a girl can fall in love at a glance,” it is quite true, because the look can create some tension between you, if you know how to play. This is a good way to create the desire in her, without revealing the dredge completely.
How to Flirt with a Girl: Avoid being “Friends”!
If there is one thing, other than going for a flirty, that will send you straight to the locker room, is to go for just a friend (a girl does not sleep with her friends). What is a friend for a girl? He is a man (or rather a boy) who grants everything she says, comforts, reassures her, saying yes to all her desires … this is what will lead you to the box “friends.” So if during the first visit or first meetings she asks you to pay or wear something, refuse! And do not spend hours on the phone to discuss things, because all of a sudden it reveal about you is also a good way to become just a friend …
How to Flirt with a Girl: Play the Card Mystery …
To flirt with a girl, you must learn to gradually reveal who you are, because if you tell her all your life story on the first day, she will soon get bored and look elsewhere. So we must make her want to know more about you, as like a story line in a movie, and, this way she would want to learn more about you all the time … This is exactly the same principle as a film or a detective novel, you must give clues about what you do in life, your goals, your desires … make her desire to know the end of the story! Everything is a matter of nuance, this one also will make it much easier to get her telephone number and messages from her, because she will be drawn!
How to Flirt with a Girl: Humor!
The humor is particularly effective for a girl flirt because it allows the trust and to show her that you’re not a dangerous man. She will feel good in your presence and dare more things! Humor is also a good way to show her that you do not take yourself too seriously (that girls also hate).
How to Flirt with a Girl: Be Patient …
To flirt with a girl, be patient, because impatience show her that you can not control yourself and finally you absolutely need a girlfriend, which is really not attractive and not in your best interest … Take -time to seduce her, and gently dredge the gradually, but avoid touching her at first, and ask her questions about her love life, or her former boyfriends … Let you stay a little quiet and mysterious about your life.
How to Flirt with a Girl: Let her come to you
Sometimes you will notice that you attract more girls than you want … it is simply because with this girl you do not want to dredge precisely you are natural and let them come to you and do all the work! This is exactly what we need to succeed with the girl! Then of course there must be a balance, because if you show too little interest she will get tired, and vice versa if you show too much interest… she will also get bored!
How to Flirt with a Girl: Be Hot!
One of the key points should not be overlooked when you meet a girl – not to talk about sex, but be sexy. The problem is that if you talk about sex in the early meetings, on the one hand, she is very likely to steer to not look like a “slut” because it is not socially acceptable to sleep with the first unknown, on the other hand it will say that you are are in need and you absolutely need a girl …! and the guys in need do not usually attract girls … So not to scare the girl with you lust, you have to get through your behavior, but also through your eyes, your voice, your humor, your smile … to seduce the girl and create some sexual tension. You need to communicate “indirectly” your desire for her without telling her with words. Then, when you’re in a relationship with her, you can talk about sex without taboo, which is also highly recommended!
How to Flirt with a Girl: Be Genuine (do not play)!
You do not have to force yourself when you’re with a girl, you just need to be naturally yourself. The girls have also a 6th sense to detect fake men and this is why they like (mostly) take their time before going to bed with you, unless they are sure of their shot ;-) . Apply the simple techniques above (and below) to pick up a girl, and you do not need to lie to girls to seduce!
In Summary: “How to Flirt with a Girl”?
1 – Do not go for a flirty: do not use words related to sexuality unless it comes directly, and do not touch her too much or she will quickly identify your game!
2 – Be patient!
3 – Remember to play with your eyes, look at her in the eyes when you talk and you talk to her (it creates a strong connection and some sexual tension)
4 – Smile, be nice and look happy: you must have an open mind and be positive, to make her want to know more about you.
5 – Have some humor that can lighten the mood for her to get more confident in you and trust you!
6 – Do not be her friend (a girl does not sleep with friends): Know to say “no” when she asks you for something.
7 – Be genuine, do not try to be the person you’re not
8 – Be mysterious: unveil yourself gradually, and do not tell the whole story from the beginning!
9 – Be sexy: you know which works better with you: through the intonation of your voice, your eyes,… without talking about sex between you.
10 – Finally, pick up a right girl, you will quickly realize that many of them do not correspond at all, and in fact will bring you more pain than happiness! Good luck and good fishing ;)
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