Thursday, May 15, 2014

Should I Sleep On A First Date?

This question is often our prerogative to us girls. The debate still rages passions on the one hand those who deny it under the pretext of "self-respect" (but always end up falling for a guy who will be able to talk to them) and those who advocate casual sex the first night and one day fall in love with their fuck-friend. Americans have settled the matter in a factual manner by imposing the social rule of the third appointment. But we often forget that it takes two to make the decision to love. And you gentlemen you find yourself lost between social conventions and your libido.

Is the wrong debate

The conventional wisdom is that a couple who "expected" sees increase its chances of longevity. One is left with boys and girls or even bi-curious girls who crave and feel give themselves a chance by holding a little. Or girls that make you marinate to check your intentions and find the first surprise of being dumped the day after the first night after a month of hard court. This is the moment where I'm tired and I say hogwash. I'll tell you a story that happened to me there almost two years.
I had an evening appointment with a boy met on the internet. I gave him an appointment after work ... A 23:00. "You do not want to wait until Tuesday and I invite you to the restaurant? - No! I have heavy legs and I want that one finds oneself after a hard day of mutual consolation and additionally get a massage calves. - Uh ... OK. "I landed like a flower and is very much to my taste. No surprise, we make love, I want to get laid. Galant, he dropped me at my place of work the next day. At the time of leaving, we had a funny conversation:
- See you?
- I do not know. I like you, I replied.
- What if I told you that I did not want to go further?
By noon time he managed to make me want to know more. But we did not know enough to talk about commitment. I took my your girl-who-takes-and-only-makes-no-affect irrational and I replied:
- So we have had a good time. After it is not known, it would be a shame to say goodbye without being sure of what we have to do together. But you do what you want.
- I'll call you soon has he concludes.
Today, this young man and I live together. I regularly drink the coffee with his mother and a pretty ring keeps you warm my left ring finger. And I'm not an isolated case. And I am not single.
I felt that our relationship could be based on something other than sexual tension. I instead made to cool down the spirits and allow us to focus on something more important: our eventual compatibility. The moral of this story is beautiful: the fact of sleeping the first night is in no way indicative of what you have to bring you in relationships. A pretty girl, funny and cultivated met in the evening no less beautiful, less funny or less cultivated after intercourse. Hold it to say.

The sexual attraction as a catalyst for interest

Sunset on the first night or not? Yes, provided that the sexual tension is at its peak, some or intentions you have towards it. This will go through:
  • Physically closer to you,
  •   Sexual conversation
  • Leave collect from desire (neither too much nor too little)
  • In short, create flirting (amorous behavior, halfway between seduction and getting laid).
The goal is to get him to say that she misses the night of her life if she in not gets laid with you. And when that is the case, do not wait, go for it. This tension will intensify the sex itself: it will be better for you and for her. The memory that you will leave will be more vibrant and it can only serve you. Furthermore, a sensual man in bed is often perceived as an intelligent man. As long as you are a good lover, use this card that will enhance your attractiveness.
A classic trap that many people fall: Sleeping together without making love under the pretense of "take your time". If you flirt with a girl and she spends the night with you, make love. Do not hold back on the pretext of "romanticism". Sleep together without love is down sexual tension without the orgasm box, and causes pain in the testicles.
Note: I discovered that the Anglo-Saxons used the term "blue balls" to refer to male pain out of frustration, you learn something every day!
Similarly, pre-pre-preliminary (hand games on Monday, mouth play on Tuesday, Wednesday games Villains) are useless. If you put your fingers, the rest should follow in time. The excuse of "no condom" does is not: It is a point on its stock before the host and can not empty pockets if you do not play at home.

Want more than a One Night Stand?

We'll have prove your worth. It has been two hours since you converse with this brunette. She's cute, funny and has "that little extra" that makes you want to go further? Property.
It has happened to me to want to be a boy, but frightened at the idea of ​​seeing disappear the next day. So I delayed as much as possible the first time. I had the good turn and shake my breasts under their noses as a reward for their interest so "no arms, no chocolate," it did not work. It is not delaying sexual relationship you are going to convince them to become your girlfriend. Besides, it does not convince a girl, it takes acting. Your attitude, your values, your lifestyle, that some of the things that matter to us.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Infidelity and extramarital why women cheat on their husbands

Infidelity, adultery, illicit encounters and extramarital the 21st century, it is the end of the shot, men cheat more than women. Can we say that there is finally equality between the sexes, at least regarding the sexual sphere? Infidelity, which is still considered a totally masculine behavior is part of the lives of women. Whether right or wrong, evolution is noteworthy that the number of women who cheat on their husband continues to grow and grow, and they now speak on the subject. Female psychology is different from the male psychology, it would be interesting to discover the reasons why women cheat or are sometimes trying to meet a new fling. Will the weaker sex mistaken for love? Or, on the contrary, women also deceive for sensual thrills? The weather changes and women adapt. Other problems are also wondering: should confess or not? Should we stay a couple after having a lover? Women, unlike men, prefer to confess to free the weight of adultery. But is this always true? The nature of women is complex and the changes they have experienced in recent decades are radical!
Adultery or extramarital feminine
This is a shocking revelation, while we have always thought that women who cheat on their husbands do so only when they are in love. Instead, they seem to appreciate above all to feel desired or they just enjoy being laid. Women looking for a lover primarily to reassure their seductive ability, especially after several years of marriage or couple. They want to prove they can still please and seduce whatever their status (married for over 10 years, mother of two children, housewife ...). So women they deceive men more today than before? It should be noted that they are now more free to declare their preferences and trends, they could not confess before. But the fact that they did not express their desires to have a secret garden, does not mean they did not deceive their husbands.
Occasional infidelity or second long love story?
Most women interviewed on this issue, contrary to what people think men in particular, declares prefer casual relationships. Women also want small adventures for one day only for one night, to feel beautiful, seductive feel alive while their husbands do not make them vibrate. Note that if a woman feels more valued by another man by her own husband in a period of his life, that does not mean the end of marriage, something may not work but is still serviceable. The ability to feel beautiful and sensual eyes of someone else for women help to better understand the life of a couple, often monotonous and boring over time.
However, there are women who are looking for an extramarital affair longer, then this can mean that the marriage comes to an end, and they need to escape, they need a hookup because of loneliness. A woman, as a man, not looking for a story that lasts if her marriage is satisfactory.
I must admit adultery or secrecy?
A survey also found that most women prefer not to admit it. 82% against only 18% who decide to reveal it. Women who take their secrets well hidden desire to 47% not to ruin the trust of their partners, but the majority, 53%, said that, with regard only an occasional infidelity, it was not necessary to reveal. Women who decide to confess do: 42% of cases to feel better, 25% because they are not able to keep a secret. There is also 33% of respondents who reported confess to end their relationship with their husband,  fuck buddy or boyfriend. In this case, the betrayal is used as an excuse, while they lack the courage.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Are you infidel without knowing it?

Flirting on Facebook
Flirting on Facebook is a phenomenon that is growing more and more, especially made ​​to recontact a (an) ex. Its becoming more like a personal hookup classified ad service. However, 42% of women do not think there is infidelity when their partner recontacted her ex via Facebook. Men are 56 percent to think.
What is surprising is that the study does not take into account the reason for contacting engagement with the former. We assure you that whatever your reason to do so, your partner will not see a good eye ...

Monday, February 10, 2014

Flirt online. What are the mistakes to avoid

Now see WHY it is useful for you to know what mistakes to avoid in online flirting. Of course these truths apply to both men and women.
Flirting online is an art requires a minimum of self-confidence without falling into the male side arrogant or sticky girl. The balance is required.
If you go too far, you will be cataloged "Super Glue." If you're shy and do not go far enough, you will be perceived as "deleted." So how will you achieve online this point halfway between tights and nonexistent. Under the flirting online, you can not use the natural charm your eyes or your body language. Strengths available are computer and your membership in the Network.
1. Have fun! Be funny and entertaining. Give him want to continue to communicate with you. To be attractive, flirt is so playful.
2. Adopt positive attitude. For successful flirting it is necessary to have an attitude positive in life. Your contacts should feel a good feeling with you. They must feel good. Attitude optimistic draws ladies as magnet attracts iron
3. Say compliments. Again it is all about attitude. I'm not saying that you should always say it's good, but when you do, go for it with enthusiasm. Everyone receives daily amounts of critical and too few compliments. So if you truly want to make your partner spend more time with you.
4. Listen, listen carefully especially your partner. Pay attention everything he or she tells you and if necessary ask the right follow-up questions. Give him the opportunity to speak her life. You should at once make him feel that it is an interesting person and that you are interested in his personality, but you do not always agree with his views. You see, it is simple and Opera perfectly!
Stay 5. Courteous. Flirting Online does not mean forgetting about the stages of seduction before arriving at sex. And even less to amaze you if your partner is not as early as you. Good advice. If you get many of releases, it might be time to change the method ...
6. Being grateful. Never forget to send a small thank you message after receiving a small gift. This is essential to the success of your online flirting.
Keep patient. Useless to go too quickly. Flirting is the first step a strong relationship.
And you know what are the attitudes to adopt to seduce you? Leave a comment below, I would be happy and I will answer you personally.